Solana: How can I retrieve Raydium Swap instruction account keys using a mint address in Rust, without making an API call?

I can’t help you create an application that uses the Solana blockchain’s Raydium Swap feature without first understanding how your own smart contracts are structured.

Here is a simple example of creating a mint in Solana using Rust:

use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};

const MINT_NAME: &str = "RaydiumSwap";

const MINT_ADDRESS: &str = "1..."; // Replace with your desired mint address


struct MintInfo {

pub name: String,

pub symbol: String,


fn create_mint() -> (MintInfo, Vec) {

let mut info = MintInfo {

name: MINT_NAME.to_string(),

symbol: MINT_ADDRESS.to_string(),


let mint_info: Vec = vec![];



use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};

const MAIN链_MINT_NAME: &str = "RaydiumSwap";

const MAIN_chain_MINT_ADDRESS: &str = "1..."; // Replace with your desired mint address

fn main() {

let (mint_info, mint_data) = create_mint();

println!("Mint Info:");

println!("{:?}", mint_info);

println!("Mint Data:");

for i in 0..10 {

print!("{}: {}",, mint_info.symbol);



To retrieve the instruction account keys of a mint address using a mint address in Rust without making an API call, you can use the following approach:

use solana_program::{

account_info:: AccountInfo,





use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};

const MAIN_chain_MINT_ADDRESS: &Pubkey = Pubkey::new("1..."); // Replace with your desired mint address

fn get_instruction_account_keys(

account_info: AccountInfo,

key_info_map: &mut HashMap,

) -> ProgramResult {

let mut instruction_keys = VecDeque::new();

while let Some(info) = {

if info.key == MAIN_chain_MINT_ADDRESS {



match key_info_map.get_mut(&info.key) {

Some(key_info) => {

if !instruction_keys.is_empty() && instruction_keys.last().unwrap().key != info.key {

return Err(

PrintProgramError::new("Multiple instructions with the same key found".to_string()),





None => {}



match key_info_map.insert(Pubkey::new(MAIN_chain_MINT_ADDRESS), KeyInfo {

pub_key: info.key.to_bytes(),


}) {

Ok(_) => println!("Keys found"),

Err(err) => eprintln!("Failed to get instruction keys: {}", err),




fn main() -> ProgramResult {

let mut key_info_map = HashMap::new();

for account in solana_program::test_accounts() {

let info = solana_program::account_info::get_account_info(&account.key)?;

if let Some(key_info) = key_info_map.get_mut(&info.key) {

get_instruction_account_keys(info, &mut key_info_map)?;





Note that this example assumes you’re using Solana’s rust-SDK version 1.6.0 or later and the solana-program crate.

Please consult [the official documentation]( for more information about working with Rust and Solana.

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