Bitcoin: how to find r,s,z from DER-ECDSA

Finding R, S and from DER-ECDSA signatures

As a developer or Bitcoin salesman, it is necessary to understand the book Hum Digital Rights Electronic Signature (DER-ECDSA). When the transaction is signed by means of ECDS (algorithm of the digital elliptical curve digital signature), the resulting signature is represented in DER -coded format. To verify the authenticity of the transaction and make sure that they have been modified, you need a key key for signatures.

In this article we will be a process of punishing all potential tamberings.

What is DER-ECDSA signature?

DER (distinctive coding rules) -ecdsa signature represses the private ECDSA in performance. The signature consists of these components:

  • R

    : ECDSA raw public component.

  • S : Raw Ecds ingredient.

  • Z : The value of the input message.

Finding values ​​r, s and z

To find Waluees, you can a tool such as “Ecdsa-Der” in Python or consisting of the command line as OpenSSL. Here is an example to use the OpenSSL Command Line tool:

  • Open the terminal or command.

  • Go to the catalog containing the encoded ECDSA signature.

  • Run as it is to separate the values ​​of R, S and Z:


OpenSSL EC -in .Der -uut R.S.Z | Base64 – -Decode


Replace Wetly the actual name of the ECDSA file.

This is a DEWL output containing a raw public component (R), a private component and heat value (Z).

interpretation of the output

Here are examples of output data on the OpenSSL command:


——- Start the private key of RSA ———–



—— end rsa private key ————–

——- Start a raw private key ———



—— End Raw private key ———-

S = mqawa1uecaqxgmivamb3uuiev/4sk6qfylbxuzjjsgvppej

—— End Der-Cds Signature ——–


The output contains values ​​R, S and Z in hexadecimal format.

Verification of authenticity

To verify the authenticity of the transaction, you can compare the separate signatures of the expected values. For example:

  • Compare r lumps with a public key

  • Compare S value with private.

  • Compare the value with (abbreviation) with the use of heh whale in the transaction.

By verifying Theese Walues, you can make sure that the signature is authentic and has not changed in Dunsmission or Facility.

To sum up, financing the value of R, S, requires understanding by following this article, you can at noon from the authenticity of transactions in the bitcoin network.

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